A post to say no more posts...
Posted by
Adby Creative
on Wednesday, 29 July 2009
carli-art photography,
Dear Diary,
Live and Kicking...
Posted by
Adby Creative
on Tuesday, 28 July 2009

I am sadly very excited and even sadder keep finding myself logging onto my own site and having a browse, as if something is going to change or its suddenly not going to be there! Anyway should you have a mo or two then check it out - it SHOULD be easy to browse through and even easier to find information that you want so fingers crossed that for the audience, the site works.

I feel a little odd today. I keep having massively elated moments where I get dizzy about the fab new site (shut up about that already I hear you cry) and then really low moments where I wander where its all going and if I am ever going to finish the huge pile of editing I currently have staring at me.
The thing is the editing isn't screaming its tapping, consistently and accurately against the inside of my head slowly driving me insane and even more frustrating, making me feel ever so slightly panicky that there 'Just isn't enough time.' (Said like that Rabbit out of Alice in Wonderland) In reality, there probably is. Or I need to stop procrastinating by doing blog posts and checking facebook and actually get on with processing in Photoshop.
Anyway, one thing which is almost complete is the Chocolate Blonde PR shoot which was photographed last week at Stratstone Harley Davidson in Chingford. Not decided my final view on the images yet but take a look and let me know what you think.
I will be interviewing Chocolate here soon so keep your eyes peeled for that one.
Right I'm off to do some work, and eat something chocolate based. Always guaranteed to put a smile on my face for at least 5 minutes.

14 hours and 841 minutes to go.....
Posted by
Adby Creative
on Monday, 27 July 2009
www.carli-art.co.uk - midday tomorrow!
In other news.....
- I love the new fashion location
- I have an overwhelming urge to get my ears pierced 5 times
- My new fitted wardrobes are almost fitted
- Chocolate Blonde shoot is almost edited
- Worked the TWOWEEKS charity event last night and t
here were some be-au-tiful models there. Took the below picture just to test light and have fallen in love!! (Not with her but the pic to clarify!) This is unedited so excuse that but still, i like it....now if only I could replicate this a few more times......

location location location...
Posted by
Adby Creative
on Saturday, 25 July 2009
carli-art photography,
fashion photography,
I have a fashion shoot planned for August which is purely personal. I seem to be really taken with abandoned warehouses or 'areas' at the moment and my parents advised me of somewhere fantastic the other day! On a reccy of the location you walk through a field of poppies and up a slight hill where you are presented with a collapsing barn and a sculpting of two alien looking skeletons. On further investigation I got extremely excited at the remains of the people that once worked here, stored their belongings here and what looks like played here.
A huge fiberglass candle rests amongst the sofa's, traffic cones and cobwebs; alongside the end of boats, a clearly dead rocking horse and a few doors and a dismantled car. All of this in the confines of a collapsing shed and the erection of a beautiful statue.

Fancy some action?
Posted by
Adby Creative
on Monday, 20 July 2009
carli-art photography,
Dear Diary,
photoshop tips,
tips and tricks,
wanna be,
One of the simplest things to do in Photoshop is setting up an Action - an automated task that you can assign to a batch of images, a whole folder of images or just a few that you pick. This could be something as simple as a certain way of saving things or resizing to certain dimensions but can go as far as your imagination will take you really.

I use actions to apply logos to my work when putting on social networking sites or shareware and I also commonly use it when doing particular events, adding a set standard 'curve' action to adhere to all images which I know in general, will work with everythi
ng. The other thing I tend to use it for is saving files when I am editing each one, saves you saving as each time and saves loads of time for more important stuff! (Like making a cuppa while all your work saves!)
The 'Action' tab can be found alongside the history tab and within the same palette. If yours is not visible then add it in your view function.

Basically what you are doing is recording an Action and then saving it so that you can use it on a load of other files later.
First you need to decide what action you are
saving, for this purpose I am picking 'Curves'. Open up one of the files from the batch of images you are going to edit and you think
will need a similar curve action on.
Once opened go to your Action Tab and click on the 'New' Icon as illustrated. Save your Action as something memorable - you can even colour code it if you wish to group your actions later. Once saved it is instantly recording and anything you do to that image will be saved within the 'Action.'

So curves - open up the curves (CTRL M or in Adjustments) and do a
standard curve that you like for contrast. Now save the image and close. Now stop the action using the stop button as illustrated.
Your action is now saved.
Now your going to want to apply this curves action to a whole bunch of images to save you a load of time where you could be otherwise watching the JK show or making yourself a coffee. Either way it saves you time and your mouse finger!
So still in photoshop, with action stopped and image closed, go to File - Automate - Batch. Once here you will be able to select the 'Action' you require (plus a load of automated pre loaded actions) and then the folder to which this action should apply.
You can then select how to save the images. So do nothing and they stay open or save them to a specific folder or location. You can even go as far as specifying different file names or extensions.

Once you have decided all of that (see red arrows) press ok, sit back and watch the action take place!
Yep, its that simple.
C x
Fruitless in more ways than one.....
Posted by
Adby Creative
on Sunday, 19 July 2009

The tiredness is taking over and my efforts to work are fruitless, my picture editing is average a ridiculous time per image & all the creative juices that usually flow so freely in and out of other useless thoughts have retired for the evening. I think I will follow them.
Yesterday was a long day but a seriously good day, lots of fun and a great team of people that had come together for their love of their passions. It was a promo shoot for Chocolate Blonde. If you have not heard of her yet her booty shaking antics and infectious smile will soon take hold!
Together with the Stratstone Harley shop in Chingford, Assistant photographer Megan and make up artist Lucy, plus a whole heap of overweight and heavily tattooed bikers pictures were made!
Some great names in fashion, shoes and jewelry got involved (all will be credited when I remember everyone's name!) and after leaving the shop having brought them out of their biker chick T-shirts (we all had to have one!) and consumed probably half a ton of marshmallows, cake and skittles.....we can all be chuffed with the results. I have just downloaded them and there are some raw, juxtapose images in their which I look forward to getting my teeth into.
Just not now....now I need tea, bed and a TV. Does anyone else feel like they have been hit by a bus this evening?!
PS: Behind the scenes and sneak previews of final pieces to come this week!
In short........
Posted by
Adby Creative
on Friday, 17 July 2009
carli-art photography,
Dear Diary,
harley davidson,
shola ama,
wanna be,
Dear Diary......

Thursday night got sent a reminder of a job last week....

Today I sat in my car for 4 hours.....

But did get to live a little retro in preparation for a shoot tomorrow....

C x
French, Bums, German Fetish....
Posted by
Adby Creative
on Tuesday, 14 July 2009
carli-art photography,
Dear Diary,
digital art,

It's really a combination of things, but it's hard to pinpoint where the work comes from. Some from experiences and some from outside influences. The work that seems to be the most liked has usually just flowed through the design process though. I do have a thing for very high heels and bondage.
The photography in your images, is this something you do too? Do you often collaborate with other artists?
I do the photography in the portraits I make. I have collaborated with photographers in the past, but I prefer to shoot my own work. It's not an ego thing. It's more about taking ownership of the whole process.
How did you get into this kind of digital art and how long have you been pushing the boundaries of editing software?
I used to paint and draw and got really frustrated with it. Digital is something that just came naturally. I don't know that I'm really pushing the boundaries of any technology. There is a wealth of really incredible digital work out there that I can't get near.
Where didu learn such amazing digital skills?
I took a job 20 years ago for computer design. That's when I started learning. The tsubasa stuff started around 5 years after using all of the same tools. It's one long, never-ending learning process after that.
Where would you say has been your best show / exhibition and why?
I did a show in Sweden that was pretty cool. The surroundings were beautiful. Did a hanging at the German Fetish Ball that was 100 tiny prints. Looked like a bunch of oversized pixels. Having my video at CineKink in NY was a treat too.
Whats the naughtiest thing you've done?
That's for me to know and you to find out.
Do you ever use people you know really well as models and does that make it easier / harder?
Most of the models I've worked with I met through doing portraits and then they either became friends (or enemies

French or English....im talking about mustard?
If it's mustard it has to be French.
Boobs or Bums?
Do I have to choose? If so, then Bums hands down.
Advise for budding artists?
Just be honest with yourself in your work. Do it for you and not your critics.
What's the first thing you did this morning?
Check my email (I'm a geek)
Plans for the future?
Good question. Really.
Anything else you would like to add or even ask me / the audience?
What inspires you? What makes you tick? That's what interests me the most about people.
Who would you like to see interviewed? Got some art you want to talk about? Get in touch.....
"Do not press........."
Posted by
Adby Creative
on Monday, 13 July 2009
carli-art photography,
erotic art,
Entering the mouth of a clown I was presented with a space drowned in red curtains and swimming in beach balls and balloons. Leading through to smaller, closer and darker spaces again all divided with red curtains the next room held giant candy sticks hanging from the ceiling, swinging gently from where the previous group have just passed through. I was nervous, in fact I instructed the boyf firmly that for at least the first 10 minutes he was not to let go off my hand. Well, 2 minutes in and he was away trying to separate the curtained partitions and throwing balloons at the rest of our group as we moved precariously through the dark, stumbling around arms outstretched and trying to blink through the blindness.
Having visited the last Punchdrunk I was expecting something scary or unexpected to happen any minute but it didn't. It was quite nice. We just wandered at our leisure through dream like scenes of the 50's, elaborate sets of homes, mental institutions, examination rooms, living areas, crime scenes and offices. It was great fun even though we were fully aware we were being lulled into a false sense of security!
If you don't know what I am talking about yet it is the current Punchdrunk performance at Spinning fields in Manchester called 'it felt like a kiss.' An amazing alternative theatre group that manage to stimulate all your senses in an unexpected, anticipation filled 'walk through' show; although not all show, you are required to take part.
I do not want to spoil it if you still have plans to go but read the reviews, check out the group (links provided below) and be ready to be plunged into darkness, find yourself lost in a maze of wire cages and physiological tests and generally be scared.....but also enjoy yourself!
'It felt like a kiss' has been produced specially for the Manchester International Festival 09.
Oh....its coming yay!! The interview with erotic digital artist.....TOMORROW!
it felt like a kiss......
Posted by
Adby Creative
on Thursday, 9 July 2009

Seriously need to pick up on this blogging thing but all good cos have been busy. So it was the awesome Fat Talent Sunday and even though I had to leave early there were some great acts. Performers just keep improving and my arms and legs saw more goose pimples than ever before. A few that got my interest in particular were the following people.....check them out if you have some time, it'll be worth it.

Photographed Summer Swing last night at Kew Gardens....what an amazing setting! The Botanical Gardens looked totally stunning and the light show and fireworks were second to none. Really hope that I get to photograph there again sometime and having not even downloaded the pics from the camera yet, I am excited about seeing how they came out. Previews to come after the weekend of course! Keep your eyes peeled.

This weekend See's me in Cheshire visiting the man and as great as that is I have something even more amazing to get excited about - the Punchdrunk performance. If you have not heard of these YOU ARE MISSING OUT!! Their performances are truly awesome and are not bog standard theatre productions with sweaty toffs sitting in velour seats. This is on your feet for 120 Min's, walking and exploring 5 stories of dark building where the acting takes place around you by small groups of actors, all doing different parts of the play. You are given a mask when you go in so you don't recognize the other guests (so you cant stick to your mate all night!) and you are thrown into a mind f*** of wonder! The smells, the atmosphere, the noises, the actors....it is all astonishing. 2007 saw Masque of the Red Death and my friend being dragged into a small room by a lady, something odd being whispered in his ear then a bucket of water being thrown over him! I experienced climbing through a small fireplace to find a small girl on the other side crying (an actor fear not!) and myself on a mission to find as many small bugs as possible from the clues given. Check it out here if you want to learn more and keep in touch about when their next performance may be.
So other plans at the moment apart from bringing you more pics is to launch the new look website in the next 2 weeks, collaborate with Chocolate Blonde on a seriously fun filled fashion shoot watched by rather a few people - nothing like pressure! Ha ha, she laughs uncomfortably. Following that another catwalk opportunity and also some pics for a charity. I like to stay busy so remember, you want corporate, PR or portrait images get in touch. All you Fat Talent performers or models - you even get a discount!!
Shola Ama, Giggs, Ghetts, Choc Blonde & more household animals....
Posted by
Adby Creative
on Tuesday, 7 July 2009

So much to catch up on and I know you guys are still waiting for the 'regular' photo tip and also the interview with digital erotic artist - well they will be coming this week! Specific photo tips or photoshop tricks are going to have a bit more structure to them and are now going to be featured fortnightly on a Friday.
Right.....so Friday saw the Stand Up Honors and Award show held in East London. It was a really good event and very well produced. All images are now live on my web gallery if you wish to see them all....check them out here.

Sneak Preview above for your ref as well!
Oh and going on the animal theme and finding a one eared goat in my bedroom last week, today I found a little robin in my kitchen which had got in through a window. Very cute....
PS: OH VERY excited!! Guess who is doing a shoot with Chocolate Blonde!? We are getting together with Ady from the amazing Fat Talent and producing some awesome pics which will be featuring in the soon to come FT magazine, on Choc Blonde's promo material, facebook and so forth and possibly even feature in the documentary she is currently being filmed for. Oooo watch this space for further details cos its an open shoot and we already have an audience of Harley bikers, BBQ and all! If you have not heard Chocolate Blonde before you are seriously missing out, click here to see some of her stuff.
Laters x