So much to catch up on and I know you guys are still waiting for the 'regular' photo tip and also the interview with digital erotic artist - well they will be coming this week! Specific photo tips or photoshop tricks are going to have a bit more structure to them and are now going to be featured fortnightly on a Friday.
Right.....so Friday saw the Stand Up Honors and Award show held in East London. It was a really good event and very well produced. All images are now live on my web gallery if you wish to see them all....check them out here.

Sneak Preview above for your ref as well!
Oh and going on the animal theme and finding a one eared goat in my bedroom last week, today I found a little robin in my kitchen which had got in through a window. Very cute....
PS: OH VERY excited!! Guess who is doing a shoot with Chocolate Blonde!? We are getting together with Ady from the amazing Fat Talent and producing some awesome pics which will be featuring in the soon to come FT magazine, on Choc Blonde's promo material, facebook and so forth and possibly even feature in the documentary she is currently being filmed for. Oooo watch this space for further details cos its an open shoot and we already have an audience of Harley bikers, BBQ and all! If you have not heard Chocolate Blonde before you are seriously missing out, click here to see some of her stuff.
Laters x