So we are going to be conducting this interview in the bathroom. Ok stay with me here. So, this is the scene:
You’re in your bathroom at home, you’re getting ready to go out for a gig and unusually have loads of time to spare. There is a glass of your favorite tipple on the side and some music blaring from the uber cool inbuilt sound system.
- What is the first thing you see as you open your bathroom cabinet?
A note saying well done for upgrading the bath room - an uber cool inbuilt sound system for me - well done, there would then be a second note - saying make sure you upgrade your sitting room next as listening to songs threw your mobile as entertainment for guests is not cool haha
- Your toothbrush, good old manual or an electric dream?
Always electric set my teeth alight !!! - bling!
- This tipple that currently balances on the side of the bath… what is it?
It is empty
- Ok so for those that don’t know you, give us four bathroom items that best describe you and your music.
Dove - i like to leave you feeling refreshed and sky high
Domestos - bleaching keeps the place and the mind clean
Shower head - always faithfull- HAHAHA
My towel - always ready to wrap you up and make feel good
- You’re a pretty feisty lady with some serious sexual attitude….have you always been like this and what do you put your positive female attitude down to?
Erm---- yes i suppose ive always been like this all though every day i seem to learn something new - the postive side defenately comes from my mum and my friends that i keep always an insipiration all so special as individuals. All my female friends and my mum are all straight up - no long ting lol
- I heard Italy has been on the cards for you recently, as well as telling us a little about what you were doing out there can you tell us did you stay in a hotel? Was the linen and towels etc up to scratch? Oh, did you come back with any fancy soaps or shampoos or possibly even a free dressing gown?
I was Naples had a brilliant time stayed with the family that owned the club. Mukcumba beach club, absolutely beautiful. I was well taken care of treated like one of the family , performed in front of some very important people. In 2010 Italy and myself should definitely be spending some chocolate time - whoop. There was no soap stealing - the dove, it always
gets me threw lol.
- Shave, Wax, Cream or Epilate?

Ha i shant say forests always keep you guessing!!
- Is there a boy waiting patiently outside the bathroom for you?
Erm - ill have to check one second.............. 10 hours later still checking
- What are your goals for 2010?
To be in your shower booming around the room and being sung from your vocal chords.
- If you could visit anyone’s bathroom in the world who’s would it be and why?
Mine as its my favourite place to be - relaxing in the bath woooooooooo lovely
- From where do you seek inspiration?
That has to be coversations i have with friends family etc.
- And as a final question; there are 6 rubber ducks in your bath. Your mum buys you 2 more and then your friend a further 9. You feel there isn’t enough room for you so remove 3. What is the square root of the remaining number of ducks?
I could’nt tell you to busy playing with the 3 I had to start with good times !!!!! hahahaha
Well what can I say.....pass me that Dove. If you want to see more of le Chocolate then check her out on the links below.