- Need a smile and its just not working? Get the person you are shooting to blow out their cheeks for as long as they can, not only does it give them a great smile and laughter when they can no longer do it but it gives you time to think about your light and framing.
- Look behind your subject. Odd bins, the corner of a jacket or a passer by staring blankly at you can if you don't want it, ruin the shot. Consider your background and surroundings at all times, they are just as important as the subject.
- Move. Move around, change your angles and get lower down. You see at one level all day every day, change that.
- Shooting reportage. Don't just snap away. Take a look at where you are and step back. Watch people and be patient. That stunning picture or group of friends laughing is just about to happen, just give it time.
- Always use a UV filter when shooting in the day.
- Go on, have a go on manual. And if you aren't there yet then try aperture priority first. Read your cameras manual for a first start guide to this, it will offer some get going tips.