Yesterday: 2 hours in car.....45 minute meeting....2 hours in car....1 hour at home throwing food down my neck and finding suitable gold jewellery to wear.....45 mins in car....Stoke Park Gold and Glamour evening......45 mins in the car....1.30am bed.
So, my day yesterday involved a fair amount of driving then.
Although a busy and vehicle filled day was left behind yesterday it was really great, with a meeting to discuss a new banner image for the Limited Ink fashion brand and then a Christmas event at the beautiful Stoke Park. Guests were in fine spirits with some offering to drape over the grand piano and others even getting me involved with their group and including me in the picture! The rest of the weekend will certainly be filled with editing and more late nights, but cosy and comfy in the biggest jumper I own and with a wintery fire blazing. Ah, the first sign of sniffles from the Christmas Spirit bug.