Anyway, before I start babbling on I thought I would provide some quick tips on creating lighting at home, studio style or location.

- You don't have to have professional lights. Experiment with halogen lights as these are probably the most neutral in terms of colour. AVOID fluores
cent as they will create a real hue which will be hard to get rid of, unless of course you want that effect.
- Tungsten light (your average lightbulb) can work really well just bare in mind it creates a slight yellow hue on everything and often, is not as bright as your average halogen bulb.
- Manipulate the light using reflective surfaces. You can buy professional reflectors from Ebay (for example) or you can even use things such as white, silver or gold bits of card.
- Use dark card or surfaces to absorb light where you want to. Use the reflector and the darker colours together to create the situation you want, or as close as.
- Use windows!! French doors can create beautiful light as it streams in. Use this to your advantage standing your subject parallel to this light.
- Soften light using natural tights or even pieces of tracing paper. (Beware of fire hazards here!)
- For more shadows use less light, say just one at an angle. For more even light use more. 3 or 4 lights should be more than enough and should eliminate all shadows and give you a 'high key' finish.
- May sound obvious but don't shoot directly into the light unless you are trying to create a silhouette effect.
- If you are trying to achieve a slight lens flare or a glare in the camera then don't shoot direct into the light but slightly at an angle. Move around and move your subject and you will find the right point. This is where digital camera's are an advantage as you can check and shoot until you have it right.
- If outside and using natural light then first thing in the morning when the sun is rising and last thing in the afternoon as the sun drops are the best times to get images. The light is soft, directional and you can achieve a number of effects with beautiful contrast between shadow and light.
-Experiment! That is what you need to do most of all. Get items or your mates and just have some fun. Work with the light, manipulate it and see what you can do.