My biggest conundrum today is....which boots to get?!
Black go with everything or Brown also go with everything? It is a tough one!
Well I needed something to keep me motivated while making calls to various South East Venues about Christmas Events and so forth. Its only 7 weeks away or something and I needed to get on it in terms of getting some seasonal work. I should have been 'on it' about 2 months ago, again, bad planning. If I am still here next year...I promise I will think ahead more!!
My planning will look like this:
Jan - July
Get over the sherry hangover and say a happy new year to all your clients.
Continue to build on my events guide for 2010.
Call, call and call business's to promote my services - concentrate on advertising and PR agencies
Decide on an actual marketing budget and plan for it - help needed for this I think
Work work and work
Market Market and Market
Network Network Network
Events Events Events
Research Research and more research
Assist - I have decided 8 weeks are being dedicated to assisting.
Xmas Events! There it is....start in August!
Get to London Fashion Week
Sep - Dec
Hopefully actually work!
I better actually write a plan like this, you know, running a business and all that. There is a lot I would like to achieve next year. Hmmmm, Christmas project for sure. My next two years in business, planning and execution. Scary.