Oh, sitting back, sipping my martini, smoking my vogue cigarettes and reminiscing, the "good ole days" I hear myself mutter.
So without getting too carried away and aging myself another 40 years I shall introduce you to exactly that, the days of old.
I grew up in the 80's and 90's and was having an excited conversation the other day with a friend about those colour changing t-shirts you used to be able to get. I had a collection I must admit and loved my pink or purple tie dyed version. Of course, there were many worn in school and inappropriate hand prints all over the place but they were awesome! So awesome they seem to have made a slight come back (well OK not really cos I haven't seen any but hey give me a chance here) with American Apparel and Brooklyn Royalty introducing them to the catwalk earlier this year. Those crazy Americans.
I also remember the mood changing rings or jewelry, the Leg warmers, the Care Bears and Pob - what happened to him!?
However after this hyperactive and animated chin wag I decided to look back at some of the other things we all knew and loved from the 80's and 90's......check it out & start boasting again about how many lace holes you had in your DM's. Wicked.