Apparently people sleep you know...not that I have had very much of that this weekend but then thats what its all about!! I have been crazy busy so excuse the lack of post, i apologize I have not been getting anywhere close to my daily entry. So Friday saw the car passing its MOT, which is a minor thing but all the same no car = no work! So actually, phew! Friday night saw amongst other things me spending 4 hours in traffic on my way into London, however I was not disappointed as I arrived at a buzzing fashion show held @ The Rich Mix in Brick Lane. It's not a venue I have been to before & was a great place with modern lines, white walls and blocks of colour and a great space which hosted the A La Mode fashion show. The event was awesome and saw some amazing new designers graze the catwalks. Although I did not get in as much networking as I would have liked I met some interesting people who I hope to keep in contact with & apart from anything else, really enjoyed the evening. Just 300 odd images to edit now! A sneak preview for you of course tho! See above and below.

To continue the hectic events I worked Saturday and then visited Swindon on Saturday night. Only to be leave an inebriated male in charge of directions and ending up in Bath!! Sounds ok, yea well not when you need to be 100 miles the other way!! My early night in prep for Sunday turned into bedtime at 2am followed by a 7am start Sunday. More work and then yes, Fat Talent Live. I know you have heard me mention the hype of this event before but seriously, I am still shaking from the excitement of this weekends performers and even more so, the amazing, AMAZING crowd,. A few hiccups were had but the team pulled together and we saw some brilliant musicians perform a circus type punk, hip hop, freestlye rap and even a MJackson impersonator who had the crowd flicking their fingers and shouting praises from the back rows. Again.....lots of images to edit so a sneak preview to follow tomorrow!!
Stay tuned cos the excitement is only going to grow!! Ahhhhh, excitement! (I haven't event had my daily dose of haribo today!)