Ok some (many) of you may know about this place already but today I stumbled across a great blog - http://www.fashionphotographyblog.com/
They have a section where you can submit your images to be 'shot of the week' & they have some amazing advise on the sight about everything from prepping for a shoot, getting an agent or representative and maintaining a good relationship with them, right to the piece I was particularly interested in, Exhibiting your work. I plan on doing an exhibition towards the end of the year, maybe around August sometime so this article was of particular interest and focussed on some things like paper for printing and PR that I otherwise would not have thought about. Also it has reminded me that I need a book. Ok every photographer needs a portfolio but since Uni I haven't really had a printed portfolio as I have relied on my website as a reference for clients. With my new ambition of doing a fashion shoot every 3 months I have come to realize that yes, I really do need a book. After my next shoot I am looking to hopefully get on an board with an Agent so not only has this blog given me a kick up the backside and a positive reminder that yes I need to do this and my money would be well spent doing it, I have picked up some great tips on getting started. Check it out.