The last couple of days I have spent time in fear, actual fear. Why you ask, because money is tight and I am honestly wondering if I will be able to survive this year. I know I should keep going and nothing gets results like being a little scared. I am pushing my marketing to the limit and investing a lot of time in trying to contact new and existing clients. One of the things I have also decided to embark on is a monthly newsletter. This will go to the 'artsy' clients and the corproate clients so coming up with something that fulfills all those needs was a toughey but hopefully....I have managed to achieve it! It launches on the 28th so naturally darlings...you will have the first peak of it!
So with the corporate side covered just still very much in progress it is onwards and upwards with the fashion side of things.
A gallery in Denmark has expressed interest in some of my images, I am in talks with Monica Din n AKA Chocolcate Blonde about an up and coming shoot which will fuse in a giant messy train crash music, fashion and her wild personality and in the next couple of weeks I am meeting the editor of Blah Blah magazine. This magazine is Reading born and bred and I am very excited, I hope that we get on, I don't end up spilling my classic Earl Grey or Mocha Latte over the poor man and that he finds my ramblings and work interesting enough so that I can somehow get involved.
So this post has turned into another random assortment of thoughts but I am trying to spread the love at the moment. Encourage people to get together as a community and support small business' and each other in these tough times. Community and support of each other I think is the winner here and I for sure will be using this as my marketing tool!
Good luck to you all I say and if I can possibly make any recommendations then the below websites / tips may be useful:
- Website Evaluation. Does yours offer your clients what it should? Does it sell your services or products?
http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2007/10/how-to-create-1.html (I have recommended Seth's Blog before, it is a great place to stop)
- Cold Calling and getting it right:
http://www.microsoft.com/smallbusiness/resources/marketing/customer-service-acquisition/7-tips-for-turning-cold-calls-into-hot-leads.aspx#tipsforturningcoldcallsintohotleads- Excellent Small Business support, literally everything is here!