If Sophie was an object found around the home she would be a pillow. Not I assure you because she is round and soft but because she loves them. I mean who doesn't, a sofa would be incomplete without them. She also likes to remind us that socks with sandals are only fashionable when worn with heels and to be turned on she requires something edgy, interesting and unusual. These are the fine words as spoken by Sophie Paxton, the stylist and miracle worker with whom I have worked before and chose to work with on the Limited Ink shoot. She brings that 'pop' to my bang.
I would also like to introduce you to the rest of the lovely crew.....

Elle, part French put some sweetness into the shoot and loved the Geek chic styling. She last spent her hard earned pennies on food and believes that if she was any object she would be a mirror as it reflects the truth.
Our fabulous MUA was the wonderfully talented Jenny, who day to day works on great film productions and is a dab hand at effects. She loves to come back to fashion and beauty though even if it does involve living her life out of a suitcase!

Now if you hadn't already guessed I was the photographer, no there is no pic of me I stay behind the camera. I liked the shoot because I like the tee's and I love getting a team together and experimenting with ideas. It was a new experience with me as I tend to stick to natural light situations and outdoor spaces. If you asked me what turned me on clothes wise I would say nothing, literally nothing. Naked is best.
So there were a few words from the team and now to get the pictures edited and up for you to see!
In the meantime if you have the luxury of procrastinating this Saturday morning, check out this link - StudioXil. Some excellent advise for lighting scenarios and getting the most out of those Bowens. Plus they even show you the make up brief and the finished picture. Great site.