November for me is a month of madness with birthdays literally around every corner. My bank card shivers in my purse & I avoid checking my bank balance between now and pretty much February next year. Its the safest option and avoids an embarrassing and rather dramatic breakdown.
In a slightly 'fashion plus I have nothing else to talk about' post I went to a mad hatters tea party last night and am proud of the efforts made by all, in particular the birthday gal herself who decided (clearly while consuming high percentage alcohol and at a early morning hour) to make a rather imposing hat made from a beer box and other random mag cuttings. It seemed to have a theme per side which included a Tea bar, a Post Box and some kind of mouse hole. Needless to say it didn't actually stay on her head long as it turned out her head is a lot smaller than we all originally thought but it made an excellent centre piece for the table.

Getting back to the work front I have just done 10x £50 vouchers for location portrait shoots which are going to St Marys Primary school in Burghfield. They are going to go into the raffle so if you are there, grab yourself one and get some money off a shoot. I am donating 10% of any pictures sales back to the school which makes me feel a bit gooey inside because its a nice thing to do and the school is the nicest ever! It is so tiny and reminds me of that lady that lived in a shoe with all her kids. No i'm not talking something you saw on JKyle last week but there was an old lady who lived in a shoe. That story. Anyway its a delightful little school and I am proud to be situated in such close proximity.
Foto tip Friday to come: Skin and a collection of CS3 tips!