I would really like to take some interesting portraits of some interesting people. Maybe odd people, or actually odd is probably the wrong word but different. So people with hobbies that involve bondage and jelly, or girls that like pretending their boys with pieces of fruit. A guy that is married to his tractor or a couple who live with their horse.
Inspiration probably from the iconic Portfolio publication, my friend gave me issue 42 so quite an oldie but man a goody. Never though portraiture was really my thing and although its not my strength, in a way isn't fashion portraiture just of the identity you are giving someone rather than the identity that maybe they themselves own? I have always thought about the actual model. So if they weren't there in your studio or on your location dressed in clothes you gave them to wear and looking like you or the art director wanted them to; what would they be doing or what would they look like. Ordinary people I am sure. Portraits of models with no make up maybe. Nothing unique or exciting in that. Maybe I could find out a secret about them, something that they did outside of modeling. A thought anyway.
Apply if your interested in being snapped, whenever, wherever and however. Horses need not apply.