Random collection of updates really but a number of things of interest, or maybe I have been listening to too much Radio 2/4 on the long drives home. Honestly, it is GREAT for keeping you awake, music is far too soothing so the chatter keeps you going and, you would be surprised at how much you learn!
So first, the Radio fact. Some ambulance driver was driving a guy to hospital who had suffered a heart attack or something similar. Realizing half way there that he was 15 minutes over his shift, he diverted the journey to the Ambulance depot in hope of being there in time to catch the last bus to the pub. Dropping of the ambulance and letting another driver take the dying geezer in the back to where he should have been going, A&E he toddled off on his merry way. While the guy in the back, well unfortunately he died. This is a story of disbelieve and also sadness. That someone could do that. Would the guy have died anyway? Did that diversion or 10 minutes or whatever it was difference cost this old man his life, his wife her husband and his grandchildren their grandfather?
Lesson is basically - you got to put yourself out.....customer service - everything!
On a totally different note I am starting to think people are either lying or my teeth are becoming hypnotic. Today the eight person in as many days has commented on how white my teeth are. Now this is not the first time ever but I haven't been using some new toothpaste and in fact the only thing I am doing differently, is not flossing!?! Anyway, there is no secret....my teeth just must be white i suppose, not that I ever notice any difference between anyone else's!?
Ok so something useful and art related might be useful rather than words falling out of my mouth! Last night saw a truly AWESOME Fat Talent Live. I am not just saying this, every act was beyond perfect. There were so many talented individuals there and my fave of the bunch who I have discussed before - Chocolate Blonde. Her energy is electric and we have decided we are def doing a shoot together. Finding the time will be the next thing but she is excellent.
Choc Blonde and all the other acts can be found here and have their own sites on myspace. Pics from the evening will be coming over the next 48 hours - so check it out!!!
Signing out due to sleep depravation, lack of constructive conversation & a glimpse of a chocolate bar. x