The last few days have been rocky. Business has ups and downs, we all know this but when you are on your knees in desperation worrying about money, when your next job is going to make an appearance and sifting through marketing tips but really not knowing how to deal with them....things do not seem good. Then, wisely, you decide to learn more about other people's business's. Normally this would fill you with ideas and encouragement, look where you can be! Ok well bugger that, today I hit ROCK bottom and these successful companies and friends achieving goals and putting their marketing ideas into feasible well executed plans are nothing but a slap in the face. I felt truly defeated. I am a creative, not a business person and what i thought i knew, I realized is just not enough to get me through.
What do you do when you feel like this, who do you turn to?! There is a great need at the moment for a group of marketing people who offer advise. Not big PR firms or marketing companies but small freelance business savvy folk who can offer decent, affordable, structured and achievable marketing for the small business - I can see a place for that.
Anyway, after threatening to set a crow loose on someone and hoping their eyes were pecked out; shouting a little & having a good moan to a friend, oh and that huge chocolate bar I felt a little better. Then my business link advisor sent through some marketing stuff we had discussed last week which means I can make a true start on that marketing plan i should have done last year. Then a very good client of mine decided to spend another £700 on digital files and another phone call to offer me some assisting. My afternoon was looking brighter and brighter and it was even topped off with the possibility that I may be able to see my man this weekend as he is willing to drive from Manc to give me what is now, a celebratory hug!
Ramblings I know but the motto of this little ditty - Have faith! Business doesn't land on your lap and good luck doesn't exist, you make your own luck. But with some plans in place, some promises to yourself that you really will keep, a goal in mind and some encouragement from friends and you will get there! I believe again, almost!
If you are still struggling and need some inspiration, I have listed below some websites that I often find useful for an up the bottom kick; if not that then some darn good time wasting!