I can confirm a few things today.
1) I am motivated by other people and their love of photography. Following a monthly meeting with some other photographers there was too much wine (them not me!) and all of us were definitely motivated, some more than others.
2) If photography fails I could become a burglar. Really people, there is a lot of shite left lying around which can be used for 'prying open' and that little window you didn't think you could fit through......well just try. (Ok before I start a debate or break some health and safety rule, I am thinking you wont be fitting through that window if you weigh like 25 stone, it just ain't gonna happen. Sit yourself down and have another Krispy Kream)
3) I am not a cleaner for a reason. Being a mum and clearing up poo - wow scary stuff. Now dog plus poo, really runny diarrhea poo, words fail me and bleach seemed to as well. Yup, I am not a cleaner.
C x