I also have a new exciting format for my interviews, quick, fire filled and just 60 seconds long! Welcome to EXPOSED! I am really feeling this new style and hope to be speaking to various people from the creative and events industries. Our very special first Exposed is brought to you by The Pineapple Parlour, a high end events agency creating truly memorable events by stepping outside the boundaries of expectation. Welcome all pineapple lovers.
Being exposed:
Tom Dee from The Pineapple Parlour
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In three words my company does...
Events + Events + Minor Miracles
If my company was an item found on a desk it would be...
Something functional but non-banal, probably a paper weight or envelope opener.....From Paris, circa 1910. Or a Pez.
Not many people know...
Originally Superman didn't have the ability to fly, just very powerful legs for extremely high jumping
The last client Pineapple had the pleasure of doing business with was...
A social enterprise group called I-Genius. We're helping coordinate events for the future and we are really chuffed as we like working with charities and good causes.
One thing I wish I knew more about is...
Astrobiology, purely because anyone who claims to know too much about it is making it up! Genuinely interesting speculation though.
Photography to me means...
A chance to 'eternalize' that which we have tried so hard to get right, and very often the only remaining memory of an occasion, a person, a place etc. This the world would be altogether less human without it.
I likes Pineapples because...
"Funky looking fruit, tough on the outside but delicate inside." Sounds a bit dodgy but probably sums it up!