Where do you come from cotton eye Joe....

The decision has been made to purchase the Canon D5 Mark2, yes all i need now is the money! I am excited, possibly a little too excited but this camera is possibly the most awesome bit of kit & I honestly believe will improve the quality of the files I am able to supply my clients.  My old camera I love but I have outgrown it and in a bid to continually improve my services and my images I want to step up and be counted as a Mark2 owner!

Somewhere it would have come in handy (with its crazzzzy high ISO settings) is the Barn dance i photographed this weekend.  Supporting my local residents association and Help The Heroes this dance and Mayfayre the following day turned out some great crowds, feel free to check out the pictures below.

Need your own events photography tips?  http://eepurl.com/pDjH