Wow I really do need to get better with these Foto Tips Fridays, this was has been relegated to a Tuesday!
I have been asked a lot this week about starting a business and getting clients. With really taking mine by the horns & giving it and myself a much needed kick up the butt I suppose it attracts these kind of queries but to be honest... I don't have a clue! I often turn to friends, family and colleagues (yes including other photographers) for advise and find nothing better than just talking a really good way to start the brain ticking. If you and solely you are your business then it is hard to step outside the box and look at what others see or at what opportunities you have around you. This really is probably the most important bit of advise I can give. Grasp every opportunity you have around you, speak to others about getting your work out there and let everyone know you exist and are in the market to take some pics. Do not be afraid of criticism & once you start building client relationships...ask them what they think and why they use you. Thats it, thats the advise....don't be afraid to ask, ask, ask and grab, grab grab at opportunities!
(Image courtesy of blog.nbc.com/ross_blog/ captain_answer/)