One being the wondrous amount of food I managed to consume at our break yesterday from shooting a wedding. I was assisting and while the guests sat down to dine so did we. I was presented with a mountain of food - see below! Thinking I would not make my way through it was clearly a mistake, 9 minutes later and the plate was empty.

I have also been chuffed today with my more manly skills in erecting a gazebo. OK it was pop up but believe me that does not mean it just 'pops up' finished out of the bag. No, it took rather a lot of coaxing and some leg work but its up and I have practiced for my shoot next Tuesday. I brought this rather fancy cover for the fashion shoot, somewhere the models can have their make up done, get dressed and most importantly somewhere to store the lush garments I am borrowing from designer Louis de Gama. This guy is gooooood! I mean get to his website and check out the high fashion pieces from his most recent collection. I am very excited to be using such finery in design and in my up most to keep the garments fancy fresh this gazebo seemed like a worthwhile purchase. Now on with the more important things like collecting the clothes, hats and so forth and finalizing my ideas....this is the least creatively prepared I have been for a shoot so close to the date so I need to get my head down and pull out the jumbles of fairy tales and abandonment i have in my head and find a way to put them into some structure of an editorial.
Some more good news came in the form of a few emails. One a cheque is in the post - phew! Two, I have been asked to do an editorial style shoot for an e-zine in September / October and three I have been asked to shoot a cover for a fashion magazine!! I am VERY excited!!! I will indulge more when I have more certain plans as do not want to run before I can walk and am determined to only get really giddy when more is set in stone but so far....ahhhhhhhhahahhhhh!!! Ok calm. Good news and will certainly keep you guys updated either way.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and the sun!