It is always worth your while getting advise from other photographers, and not just advise but in general getting along with them and making alliances within your region. This can be great for so many reasons, from yes advise and FAQ's but also to increase your network, learn new skills, assisting opportunities, covering jobs that they may not be able to do and also showing that you are like them, a small business just trying to get somewhere.
There are photographers out there that still believe that sharing information is not to be done and befriending the 'competition' is not advisable. You make your own judgements but thus far the other photographers I have been lucky enough to meet I have already learnt from them and hopefully given them something new to think about to.
A photographer I met the other day is a particular example. Angus Thomas. Not only did he live in the village I used to live in, he also went to my primary school and his mother taught there! OK prob about 20 years prior to my attendance but it was great to start with that in common and our meeting was relaxed but professional and above all helpful. We are already discussing skill sharing and getting a shoot planned together and I am very excited about getting together more often to pick each others brains & just generally get some good images!
One of the sites he recommended I look at if I was interested in flash was www.strobist.blogspot.com and I have to say, it is brilliant. This place is definitely worth bookmarking and following the tutorials online is so worth investing some time in. Take a read and learn some new flash skills plus.....keep your eyes peeled on my blog for images from my shoot with Angus - I am hoping it will be a good one!
Angus Thomas - www.angusthomas.com