Now to be honest I am really not sure what my opinion of this is. SHI stands for Single, Happy and Interested.....but even though perfectly reasonable is this still just a little too obvious?! Is it a more polite, PC way of sitting there with a mini skirt on saying 'come on boys I'd have some'?? The answer, I really don't know. It does intrigue me though.
The 'accessory for fashionable singles' has hit big in America and is now being introduced to UK and Ozzie markets. In the millennium it was claimed that by 2010, 40% of UK women would be single and living alone - with our career ambitions, higher earnings and increased social connections apparently we want a guy to match this. Maybe this SHI symbol really could kick off then for that time when we decide, we do want a man in our lives.
So, if you are single and want a modern traffic light system of picking out others that are, then this fashion accessory is for you. They don't just offer straight talking either, there is a different symbol dependent of the type / sex of partner you want. Check it out, you decide.