Pass me that biro: The Fat Blog's "Dare to miss" Diary is now online so check it out for some music, fashion, art and creative events you can all get involved in. There is a link in my side bar for this.
Testing testing: Things for my shoot are so far, going well, i think. Just why is that just as you think you have things organized, bamm....there are like a , thousand things you haven't thought of. I did go and play with a smoke machine today though, it was fun! I can't wait to use it!! Move over mother nature....I'm creating some fog! (The pic shows Tom from Seamless Events demonstrating his skills at being spook central through the cloud of fog!)
Thank you: There will be even more of these following the shoot as lots of people are helping out but this particular cheers me dears goes to Ady, the lady behind Fat Talent Live. With her help & inspiration I have been able to network with a good few folks and work with some awesome people so far, I am really looking forward to working with Fat Talent and Urban Fashion House (watch out for more of her designs!) in 09.
Camera's: I get asked about camera's all the time, what camera should I buy? Is this one good, what about that lens? I heard so-n-so are brilliant. I thought I would write a quick note to all just in case the question arises again: Ask yourself what you want the camera for and what you want from a camera. Quick shooting with minimal delay / small size / fun looking / top quality photos / changeable lenses? Look for one that fulfills this need the best. Read customer reviews extensively - there is nothing better than other peoples reviews. Plus I know you may not want to, but read about the technical aspects of the camera - maybe try & download the manual before purchase to get a sneaky peak.