Corporate and commercial work to me, is important as a photographer. Not only does it help to pay the bills but it keeps me active in photography & helps me to develop my skills; technically and in dealing with briefs, clients, copyright, editing and so forth. Most importantly though, dealing with people and the expectations of running a business.
When I left university I was very blinkered and naive about commercial photography and thought corporate work would never be something I would do, I didn't want to be just another corporate photographer however, I have to say that I really enjoy it. I try to give the subject a fresh approach & particularly enjoy translating and communicating my clients values into an image. Not just any image though, one that they visually find exciting and emotes a feeling or emotion that captures the subject, event or person being photographed.
With the credit crunch in full swing I must admit I am nervous about this year but am determined to plough as much time into my commercial portfolio as well as the fashion thing. I have been concentrating a lot on that the past few months and I have reaped the rewards (the blog being part of that!) but thought that the whole picture needs looking at now and then & over the next few months as well as all the other sidelines I seem to have going on and various postings I will be sharing; I will also be demonstrating my other side - the corporate photographer.
I try to concentrate on events, commercial and corporate PR and have worked with some amazing business's already. If there is one thing I can say to anyone else out there setting up in photography is remain focussed on your dream but don't forget the day to day. I have learnt a million lessons since starting & hope to continue being a contender in the corporate sector.

Lesson 1) Believe in yourself and do not be scared to experiment
Lesson 2) ALWAYS offer excellent customer service. Quick responses to emails, phone calls, updates and keeping your client in the loop. Make them feel looked after.
Lesson 3) Network. Not only does it help to create business opportunities but you suddenly open yourself up to a lot of helpful advise from people that have been in the industry a lot longer than yourself and know the ropes.
Lesson 4) Smile and present yourself well. No Jeans!
Lesson 5) Listen to your clients, really listen. See the subject or event as they would. What do they need from the image. It's about them!