Captain Oates Left Sock
"Punters and performers sit together in a circle of chairs. The play presents a sequence of discussions between a dozen voluntary patients, interspersed with narration from an increasingly uncertain Dr Parks (Tom Marshall). We meet supercilious but suicidal Carter, whose wife has murdered their baby; lachrymose Juliet, who wishes to be punished for the sins of others; and mouthy young David, distraught by his wife’s adultery – but relaxed about his own."
Too much is not enough
The delirium of fame and fandom along with the darker underbelly of worn out and depraved celebrity define the work in this show by five artists who each have their own fascination with this heady subject matter.
The Fat Blog
A delicious Side dish to Fat Talent live a group of creatives get together and can't help themselves from helping us.....a place of gossip, random writings, interviews (Fat Chats!) and most importantly; exposure for the masses of young talented people out there

Lovely sale shoes from Faith, having just decided that my credit card can take the pain I have purchased them! I love the pleated boot look and for some time now have been looking for something like this. Maybe I will add a brooch to jazz them up. Where are you Mr Postman!?
A bit of a selection here but feeling the cosy dresses & cardi's, actually would go great with the boots above. The dress from Thats Just Vintage shop on Ebay is winning the top place though I think, how cute!