I went to an amazing shop earlier today and like the title states, it was an Aladdin's cave of jewels and treasures. The reason for this visit - the shoot next weekend. Seriously lacking in jewelry (considering this is a shoot based around the accessories this was becoming an issue!) so I spoke to Yolande, www.lovegenevieve.co.uk an artist and fashion stylist who alongside her mum sells a wondrous amount of vintage and often one off pieces of jewelry from a shop on Fonthill Road in London.

As you walk in you are overwhelmed by the amount of jewelry this shop can fit in it, alongside fabric, buttons, sewing bits & handbags. A good rummage however unearths some fab pieces & it suddenly dawns on you, not only is the cash in your wallet quickly being spent but the date you had later that afternoon is going to be cancelled; you could spend all day in this shop - believe me!!
So I happily walked away with a bagful of stuff for my shoot which you will of course see in the images over the next couple of weeks. I couldn't not treat myself though and my new c/card had a test run buying a necklace and two brooches which I cannot wait to wear. Went through a brooch wearing phase about 2 years ago and I can feel another one coming on so these have started it nicely!
If your in North london or don't mind the tube journey then get yourself in there, it really is worth it.
4 Seasons Shop, 31 Fonthill Road, London N4 3HZ