I am not doing well at this new schedule i realize, there I go setting myself goals & fail at the first hurdle! It has been a busy week with only Friday afternoon actually in the office and believe it or not rather long electricity failures over 2 days. Almost two days without electricity, well it was interesting much like my hair. (The perils of not being able to dry it or straighten it!)
I have been trying to absorb as much knowledge as possible this week (and as part of that actually attended my first book club meeting last night....in did involve G&T and a 2am bedtime mind) in terms of marketing and have unfortunately not picked up my camera once! Royal Windsor horse show pics will follow next week alongside hopefully an interview with a couple of clients, Balmlane Events and Rouge Media.
For now some tips that I failed to post yesterday......Foto Tip Friday reborn.....
- Using adjustment layers in PS is invaluable. Concentrate on only the area you are adjusting then select the layer and depending on how large the area is your changing brush back in the original, or invert and brush in the amendments. Want more?
- The patch tool: I know many of you will know how to use this but essentially this is for correcting areas that you may otherwise correct with the clone stamp or the healing brush. This does so by using a defined area selected by you. Find the area you need to cover and select it using the patch tool. Make sure that it is in 'Source' mode and then move the selection to a new point to select pixels that will cover up the original. So your dragging the bad selection to a good selection, or the source. Just remember that PS will blend the areas itself so be careful using sources with too much contrast. Get further guidance thanks to Livedocs.
- Now i have actually heard less about CS5 than I expected...is there anyone out there using it? I still use CS3 and am happy with it for now but knowing the advantages CS4 offers (I like the adjustment layers new menu layout option) I wondered what other developments had been made bar the apparently amazing selection tool. Check out Adobe to cast your own view and let me know if you use it yet and how your getting on.