I have a tendency to overbook myself. Not because I am unable to use a diary (although I swear if my blackberry linked to my Mac it would make my life a whole much easier!) but just because I find it really hard to say no. I want to do everything, see everyone, commit to all kinds of clubs and meetings, socials and networking events or just helping out my rentals do some cleaning. But I say yes and then fail to contemplate I have already said yes to 3 other things on that very same night. It's like I don't even realize I am doing it, not of course that somehow that justifies it.
Anyway, today I begin by paying more attention to the colour coded labels in my diary, the amount of time it will take me to edit things, the fact that no next Tuesday I had already promised somebody else I would help to construct an Ikea bookshelf and help clear out the spare room so yes, I am already busy.
This new enthusiasm for reliability and determination to get further organized is a sure indicator I feel I need to do better in my business. It is also a sign that I am just trying to improve things which can't be a bad thing. Either way it should produce positive results but still leaves me with a slight sour feeling in my mouth as it is also admitance that things need to improve and therefore have been not so great in the past.
Dwell not I reassure myself and look forward to tomorrow and the positive steps I can make there too! (Pass me those incense sticks and tarot cards)
On to some pleasing news I am getting more hits on my blog, my new website seems to be attracting some lovely comments and great feedback (thank you and if you haven't taken a browse yet check it out, I would love your thoughts) and I have definitely finished both the Chocolate Blonde and the TwoWeeks Charity Event editing. Yay! All pictures to follow once clients have previewed. Oooo on top of that actually I have a special interview with Ms Chocolate Blonde herself so keep watching.
Oh, I also got sent a picture today which featured a male and his genitalia, it wasn't some medical thing or even junk mail but a model portfolio - now where is that diary so I can get him booked in! (I joke here, Carli-Art does not make a habit of taking pictures of naked humans or animals, it makes me feel a little funny.)
C x