Basically, I have wanted to a blog for like ages maaann and thought it would be interesting to track the trials and tribulations of a wanna be. I always find it interesting learning things from other peoples experiences and as we all know from facebook - stalking is clearly legal these days! But seriously, networking is great and we all love to be in the know.
Anyway, I thought I would find that interesting so pondered on the concept that maybe others would to. I am going to treat this blog as a kind of diary.
I won't bore you with where I am at now but I have studied fashion & photography, I STILL live at home with the rentals (I know I know), I luuuurrrvveee fashion and styling & nosing about other peoples wardrobe's and I am really loving this photography thang. I want to do more with film, as in film camera's and will do so this year - oh yes.
Anyway enough I hear you cry.......Welcome to Wana-B- I am here to network and meet the masses.
(Image courtesy of couldhavebeenvox.com)