I am not being rude with the above heading, apparently this is another word for 'Panic' which is what I am currently doing. I prefer this saying though - Excuse me while I have an informal flap. Brilliant!
Anyway on with the post - I did not start this blog to moan, far from it - I have poor souls here I can do that to! However I thought in telling the story of a wana-b maybe you would want to know, the high's and the lows and so forth. Anyway today has not been a good day.
7am: SH** 7am is way to late, I should be leaving in 45 mins and I know I cant get ready in that amount of time! Rush on to get to work.
9am: Get to work on time (phew!) but after the 25 minute walk in the rain I now have damp feet (damn Primarni shoes) & am generally having a real Monday morning mood low.
10am: The main model in my shoot is unable to make it. What?! No Model. Search begins for a new one almost immediately, friends, family - they are all involved! My model has no idea as to the wave of fear that has just washed over me. Deep breaths, we have time.
12am: Blackberry dies, about the only thing that keeps me entertained and on the edge of sanity throughout the day.
2pm: Go to the bank to double check the finances, New Year hard times and all that. Oh dear god I am £50 over my overdraft limit. Ok doesn't sound that bad but I now have a £30 charge to look forward to, more bills to come out over the next 7 days and no money going into my account until 26th Jan. I officially have the money which is currently in my wallet, £11.74. Oh.
3pm: Realise my fashion shoot is now really at a dia situation, no model and no money. I remember that I need to pay for the studio and somehow I dont think an IOU is going to work. Oh yes I also need to cover all the production staff expenses, provide lunch and I still have a couple of extra's to purchase. Massive re-think needed as I AM NOT cancelling this shoot! I am however currently feeling rather defeated, my friend suggests robbing a bank. That thought lingers in my mind a little too long, accompanied by selling myself on a street corner. Hmmm, Gun or mini skirt.
6.15pm: Get caught in a meeting & miss the opportunity to help put a dear friend of mine's children to bed. I know you may think that does not sound like fun but believe me, if you have anything on your mind the giggles of an 18 month old & the screams of a 2 year old running around in her fairy outfit telling you she wants beer really do help.
6.16pm: Its pissing with rain - there is that walk again. Note to self - buy better shoes.
7.30pm: Arrive home to find a letter advising me that I owe £645 on some of my equipment which needs to be paid by 2nd Feb. I choose Gun.
7.40pm: A quick moan to mum hoping for at least a hug is swiftly responded to, with a "Well you should be more careful with your money then."
OK so it could have been worse, I mean a lot worse but I am going to take 10 minutes to feel sorry for myself! If there is one thing I have learnt in the last year of running my own business though is that you must never give up. I want to right now, in fact I want to give up armed with a bucket full of CDM (Cadbury Dairy Milk for the men reading this) and a large bottle of wine. For now I will wallow.........